The effort put into taking Owen's 10 month photo was well worth it. What a little cutie pie! When he's not biting us. Mommy and Daddy were constantly placing Owen back into his photo opt spot, and he was constantly getting out to play with his Cubs baseball. (Not pictured due to being used as the focal point).
Unofficial 10 month stats: Weight 26 pounds/Height 31.5 inches.

Owen and his Mommy found quite the lovely napping spot in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard in Indiana.

Is that Sweet Lou Piniella? No probably not after all. I think Owen just wanted to feel like one of the guys at the Reds vs. White Sox game.

Here we are in Cincinnati, Ohio about ready to enter the sauna. Had we known the temperature inside the stadium would be 100 degrees hotter than outside we might have had second thoughts. JK.

OOOHHHH, these rims are so shiny. Can I have these for my power wheels? I'm sure Owen will one day be cruising around in one...Transformer themed no less. This was the prize for a hole-in-one at the 8th hole at Otter Creek Golf Course in Columbus. Owen, Mommy, Grandma, and Great-Aunt Susie sat here all day with a watchful eye. Daddy, Grandpa, and Cousin Andy played in the Andy Critzer Memorial Scramble with over 140 other people. Their score was not so good, but they had tons of fun.

Lots of lush green grass in the backyard at Grandma and Grandpa's. Owen was probably checking out the bunnies hopping around eating clover.