Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 26, 2009

OCG is 8 Months Old. Holy Cow!

Owen's new favorite food category- yard debris. He eats everything, why not grass, leaves and anything else growing out of the ground?Owen looks like he's posing for his first day of kindergarten photo! He is getting so big and brazen. He is everywhere he shouldn't be but always a joy and a reason to smile. Mama and Dada are so proud of our 24 pound, 28.5 inch son. (Unofficial stats by the way. Although weight is kind of accurate. We had a recent sick trip to the doctor's office...he's on the mend).

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Watch me crawl everybody!

Owen seen here practicing drinking from a sippy cup. He enjoys continuously slamming it on his highchair tray.
Umm excuse me Mama and Dada, where is my food?

Two handsome men all dressed up at a wedding reception. I think both fellas had just eaten!