Our big boy, Owen Christopher Grimes, turned 16 months old on Christmas Day. We thought it would be a great time to update everyone about what's going on. He has come a long way from the chubby, "three-elbow" baby of six months old. He can run, say a few words (mainly Dada and sometimes Mama, as well as "what's that?") and loves to read. He is able to use a few signs as well, like please, more, and all done. Owen's last visit at the doctor's office placed him off the charts in height at 35 1/2 inches, and in the 95th percentile for weight at exactly 30 pounds. He's not slim or light by any means and his Dada is proud.
Owen still enjoys watching The Backyardigans and has now come to love The WonderPets as well. Upon waking in the morning he must eat right away, then he's a very happy man for most of the day. He still naps, but only once a day now and for usually 2 to 3 hours. Oh yeah, and the funniest skill Owen has employed lately...grunting or barking like a dog at every animal he sees.