Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our new puppy!

Oh my gosh! I laughed until I cried. Mom's friend from school let us borrow a doggie and a bee costume. To my surprise Owen let this stay on his body for about 5 minutes. Long enough to take a few prize photos.
Scratching his fleas. Too cute!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Owen senses near doom for The Gators!

Owen's pre-game day face said it all. The Gators squeeked by with a win against Arkansas last Saturday. He must have College Football sixth to use him in a bowl pick anyone?

I ain't afraid of no ghost!

Meal time has not been "grins and giggles" lately, but check this out...Dada's booing brought on hysterics.