Grandma and Grandpa Grimes are so wonderful to me! They drove all the way from Columbus for a two night/three day stay with us. Owen received not only the wonderful gift of time spent with them, but some wonderful toys, clothes, and a very special teddy bear made from one of his Dada's old Butler Athletic Training shirts. We'll have to include it in next month's milestone photo. Wish you could have stayed longer...can't wait to see everyone at Christmas.

We've begun to take weekend strolls by the lakes in Inverness. The Rails to Trails provides Mommy and Dada with some exercise and Owen with wonderful sights, sounds and sometimes restful naps too.

Move over Baby Baloo, my fat rolls need more room now.
This weekend Car-Car hosted a baby shower for Owen and I while Poppy and Burls attended the Kentucky vs. Gator game. (Kentucky got blasted by the way...hee hee).
Today, Oct. 27th, Owen had his two month check-up. Here's his latest stats:
Weight = 13 lbs 14 oz (90% percentile) and Length = 23 3/4 inches (75% percentile). Owen was such a champ upon receiving his shots too. He decided to take a 3 hour nap instead of crying for his ouchies. We love him so much!!!