Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Owen Christopher Grimes

7 pounds 1.25 ounces - 20.25 inches
Owen's first diaper after his first bath...many more to come.
Dada is holding me on my monkey pillow.
Hi Mom and Dad! I'm back from my bath in the latest fashion statement- 20,000 blankets.
The baby-birthing DREAM team. We had an Olympics theme going.

Owen has made his appearance! Monday morning, August 25th at 3:25 am he arrived. We could not be more happy or feel more blessed with our new baby boy.
Owen is only one among many great August birthdays from both sides of the family. Beginning with his Grandma Grimes on August 2nd, then Car-Car Eschen on Aug. 13th, then he has the honor of being sandwiched between two very handsome Grimes men...Uncle Todd on the 24th and Cousin Adam on the 26th.
Lets not forget to mention that Owen and Uncle Will Eschen share a special bond. They were born in the same room number at Citrus Memorial Hospital and share the zodiac sign, Virgo. STAY TUNED FOR MORE PHOTOS IN THE COMING DAYS.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

We're Ready! Bring on the baby...

Not only is the house on its way to being ready, it appears I am as well! Chris and I were very excited to find out at our last doctor's visit that I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced.

The current inhabitants of this bassinet are no where near as adorable as our niece and nephew, Avery and Harrison. They let us borrow their moses basket for their new cousin.
Here's the Mommy and Daddy nook.

The baby's future restaurant.

Our combo dresser and changing station. I think Dada should change the first one.

Mommy and baby at 37 weeks...three more to go!